Our Services
We perform in house blood analysis, fine needle, ear and skin cytology, faecal analysis and skin scrapings usually while you wait. Some blood chemistry and specialist pathology tests are send away to Idexx Veterinary Pathology Lab. Most results are obtained within 24-48 hours.
As at July 2009 new council laws require micro-chipping for all new pups and kittens ie those less than 12 weeks of age on 01/07/09. By law this must be done no earlier than 8 weeks and no later than 12 weeks of age. This means they must now be chipped and registered before desexing period ie generally at second vaccination.
While undoubtedly less convenient and painless than chipping during desexing we can still do this during normal consultation.
Note older/existing pets only require a chip if they change hands/ownership or if they are a declared dangerous breed.
Pets must also be registered both with microchip authority (which we do) and the council (which you do) within 7 days. A desexing tattoo in the left ear is also compulsory.
Dog vaccinations generally cover Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and two types of Canine (kennel) Cough. These are generally started at 6-8 weeks to allow early socialization/puppy classes. A further 10-12 week and sometimes 16 week vaccination is required. Standard kittens vaccinations cover Feline Enteritis and Cat Flu but cover for Feline Aids, Feline Leukemia and Chlamydia is also available for cats which may be at risk. Recommendations for adult dogs and cats is changing with some vaccines being given every few years.
Other vaccines like Kennel cough or Feline Aids still need to be done annually. A yearly health check is strongly recommended in any case. A nasal spray vaccine is also available for Kennel cough. Adverse reactions are rare but the Vet or Nurse is happy to discuss individual vaccine requirements for your pet.
We use the Nobivac range for dogs which provide early socialization and a 3year duration for C3 in dogs(Distemper/Hepatitis and Parvo) combines with a nasal kennel cough spray.
Neutering and Surgery
If you are like most pet owners your trip to the vet on desexing day can be a day of dread. The nervous wait for a childs beloved kitten or family pup to come home is no less nerve racking than for with other family member. We use fast modern anesthetics, monitors, surgical fluids and post-operative pain relief to make it as painless as possible for all involved – please ask about surgical safety package options.
Dr Snellgrove has over 20 years surgical experience also performing more complex orthopaedic surgeries such as triple tibial osteotomy for cruciate disease or ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy for intractable ear disease. We have operated on everything from 2 inch squirrel gliders with barb wire wounds to caesarians on guinea pigs or injured household chooks.
Some specialty surgeries such as spinal and complex fractures are referred on to specialty orthopedics or the University of Queensland. Occasionally visiting specialists also attend to perform in-house surgeries.
Reproductive/fertility cases may be referred to our colleague Gerry King at Moreton Vet Hospital 07 3814 3333.
We have a state of the art air IM3 air turbine dental machine with a iM-42 high frequency ultrasonic scaler. This also allows cleaning below the gumline without damaging tooth enamel. There is nothing more rewarding than turning a painful smelly dog-breathe mouth into a sparkling minty fresh one.
Pre-anesthetic blood testing, very safe fasting acting anaesthetic agents like alfaxan and isoflurane and use of operative i/v fluids mean this can be done even on the typically older sicker pet with poor teeth. Regular fresh meaty bones plus a range of dental aids and diets can help maintain the mouth in it newly cleaned state.
As well as in house digital xray facilities we have a PetMap blood pressure monitor which is used for health and also anaesthetic monitoring, ECG, ultrasound, opthalmoscope and access to endoscope.
Sometimes it is obvious when the time has come, other times you may wish to discuss it with the Vet beforehand.
Each case is different but general indications could be unresponsive pain, inability to eat/groom/toilet etc, tumours interfering with breathing/swallowing etc, long term disinterest in food/exercise or alternately aggression and severe behavioral problems which make it unsafe for family etc.
In most cases an intravenous anaesthetic is simply and rapidly delivered which stops all life functions. For distressed animals a sedative can be given beforehand.
Euthanasia can be performed either at the surgery or via a home visit if travel is likely to distress your pet or yourself. However, home visits will need to be arranged and booked a week or two in advance as a much longer appointment time is required due to travel.
Aftercare can be arranged as standard burial or cremation through agencies such as Pets Rest in Peace (petsrip.com.au) Grieving is an individual and normal process but more painful for some.
If letting go has been excessively difficult you may wish to visit petsandpeople.com.au for further advice and pet counselling.
Preschool and Behavioural Advice
Most fearful and anxious dogs havent been “whipped, kicked and mistreated” as people often imagine but rather lack adequate early socialisation and bombproofing. This needs to be commenced before the vaccination regime is complete – ideally between 8-12 weeks. Dogs will be accepted after first vaccination. Karen Harvey is a dog trainer that comes to our clinic as well as multiple other clinics around Brisbane to do puppy preschool from 7:00pm-8:00pm. These run for 4 weeks. This is essential to get all pups well socialised and off to a good start and prevent those digging, biting, barking, house-soiling problems before they arise. You can contact her on 0414 744 942 or at karen@harveydogtraining.com.au to find out when upcoming classes begin.